Wrinkle Relaxer
WHY Wrinkle Relaxer?
Botox & Dysport are both an injectable medicine which have been approved for use in the reduction of facial wrinkles. Known for their unique ability to reduce the activity of muscles, both Botox & Dysport, when used precisely, can effectively diminish and improve troublesome furrows and lines on the face.
Platysma Bands (Vertical Neck Cords)
15 minutes
The platysma muscles are those vertical cords that run down your neck, more visible when clenching the jaw. These lines, or “Turkey Neck,” can be dulled with a treatment of Botox / Dysport. The treatment is also known as the “Nefertiti Neck Lift,” because of its ability to smooth the neck.
nefertiti lift
15 minutes
The vertical muscles that run from the base of your neck to your jaw, known as the platysma bands, continuously pull down on your lower face. Eventually, this leads to drooping skin and a loss of jawline definition. A Nefertiti Lift can prevent these muscles from pulling down and return a contoured appearance to your jawline.